A book for all

A modern day parable

a boy and his teddies - loving the unlovable.

About the Book

No Longer Rubbish! - 
a story of discovering 
that inside a stinking mess

something beautiful can be hidden away. Inside each person that is struggling, is something to admire.

A story of a boy and his favourite teddy., a story of a teddy found at the dump, a story of loving ... the unlovable!

The author is available for book presentations in schools, toddler groups, children's ward - get in touch.

If you'd like a personal message in the book, contact the author with details, email address below.

About Me

Erik Cornelisse


Erik (the writer):

Many years ago Erik first shared this true story in school assemblies. The reactions were such that it has subsequently been shared at church and youth events in the UK and across Europe, many asking for a written version of it.

The author has worked with young people for many years now and is a gifted and creative communicator across various age groups, always finding fresh ways of telling stories in a way that demands a reaction.

Erik is married to Paula and they live in Eastbourne (Southern England) with their children, Christina and Thomas (the boy in the book) and a Cockapoo, called Poppy.

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